Thanks for stopping by the AZ 1.27 blog! If you’ve made it to this portion of our site you probably know a little bit about us but in case you don’t here’s a quick recap:
Arizona 1.27 is a movement of churches in a number of counties across the state empowering local congregations to engage strategically in foster care and adoption. AZ 1.27 was born out of a crisis (read more about that here) but has the goal of being a long-term catalyst around this ministry in Arizona churches.
AZ 1.27 is also a partnership. We know that no one church alone can effectively move the needle for children and families in crisis. For this reason, our pathway trainings, church-based support groups and events are all open to other churches and the public. We want to be an asset not only to church-goers but to the broader community. That said, we are a faith-based movement (our motivation for this ministry as well as our sustaining power) comes from our biblical beliefs, so just a head’s up you will hear about Jesus and we will pray at our events.
If you are a pastor, church staff or lay person interested in getting your church more involved click here. If you are a family interested in our trainings (we have trainings available for pre, current and post placement/adoption families) click here.
Ok, that’s a little bit about us…now let’s chat about the blog itself.
Over the next year we are going to be brining you a series with about 1-2 posts a month called “What I want you to know”.
Through this series we are going to hear from voices across the spectrum—pastors, social workers, foster and adoptive parents AND children, as well as other stakeholders about a unique experience they have. We hope through their posts you will hear new perspectives and have a more robust understanding of the many sides of this important issue and ultimately aid you in engaging more effectively in the ministry of foster care and adoption.
Again, thanks for stopping by! We are grateful that you would give us a few minutes of your day and we pray it will be of value to you!
-The Arizona 1.27 Team